Saturday, March 6, 2010

Come on Spring!!!!

Has spring sprung?  It sure seems so here in NY this morning, but in reality we realize it is still only March and anything can happen yet!  We are excitedly awaiting the birth of our spring kids, which will be "hitting the ground" at the end of March and throughout April and May, with the majority of the herd due in April.  Our kids should be awesome this year with several of our does, including our three very best does, bred to our new ennobled buck Bo Diddle.  The balance of the herd are bred to our other two boys, Monster, and Powerhouse, who have produced really nice kids for us in the past. The pregnant mommas have all received their necessary immunizations, and their prego bellies are growing rapidly!
We will keep the blog updated as time allows once kids are being born.  We will have several kids and adult does for sale, so check back at your convenience to see what's up or contact us via e-mail.  We are on Facebook now also so follow us there too if you like.  We do have 3 or 4 bred does we would sell at this time as we could use some extra space

February NY Fury